Monday, July 24, 2017

Dad's Scrapbooks

Here's a 70-year-old we know and love:

These days, John Harrison Burtnett, III, is a pal, husband, dad, "Pop John"...but who was he long ago, as a little "Baby Boomer" growing up in Charleston, WV? Thankfully, he had a mother who carefully chronicled his life (a trait I seem to have inherited) through several scrapbooks and albums. I'm delighted to highlight my favorite tidbits of young Johnny's life. Those of you who love him, sit back and enjoy these details about my Dad....

He arrived in the wee hours of July 25, 1947, and his mother reportedly "didn't know what to do with him," or so she confessed in later years. 
It was a proud day!
Here's what they were selling at the local supermarket:
Baby Johnny had visitors:
...and his own ID bracelet!

Here's what the sweet infant looked like:
...and what he had to eat later on!

Poor kid...cod liver oil?! "No playing or romping after supper"?! I had to look up some of the foreign words, like "Pablum" (a kind of infant cereal), "cymblings" (a variety of summer squash that's the shape of a flower), "junket" (a dessert of sweet milk and rennet, which are enzymes produced in the stomachs of ruminant animals!). Boy, mothers of babies must've spent all day in the kitchen preparing sustenance! At least this might explain why my Dad is the only one in America who still eats tapioca pudding...he had to eat it as a baby!  

This is one of my favorite Baby Johnny photos:
...and here he is with his Dad:
When he turned one, Johnny received well wishes from his church's "Cradle Roll":
...and many cards wished him a happy first birthday! Here are some on the outside...
...and on the inside:

He was a cute little guy:


...who grew into a handsome young fella:

Johnny's first day of school, the good ole days, when kids went to first grade to learn their ABC's (and didn't go to Kindergarten):

There was the obligatory Santa photo (1954; sister Susan looks terrified!):

He also liked to clown around...
...and started football young:

Johnny kept getting more handsome:

Speaking of school and the good ole days, what a history test! (and run off on a mimeograph!):

Johnny was a good citizen then, too:
This treasure was written by his baseball coach when adults weren't afraid to enforce priorities:
...and here is the photo mentioned in the letter:
(Johnny is first in the standing row)

He was a good big brother:

His mom made sure Johnny was a gentleman:

Some highlights from Johnny's years at Horace Mann Junior High and Charleston High include:

(Letter from his grandparents)

Johnny got his permit!!!!!

More sports accolades:

(With a name like Burtnett, it's hard to expect that extra "t" every time!)

I love this program from a 1964 CHS football banquet:

By this time, Johnny was plain hunky!

He was still in the papers:

...and played football, basketball, and baseball.
(By now you should be able to identify him: the best-looking guy on the team!)

(1963, with Coach Ronald Mooney)

In 1965, JHB III graduated from high school:
For his graduation, he received:
Luggage from his grandparents, Aunt Jane, and Aunt Nancy;
an automatic shoe polisher (?!?!) from Steve Dice;
a clothes brush from an unidentified person (a homemade card is in his scrapbook);
"tic tac" (What is that?!) from the Kellenbergers, his neighbors;
a check from his great-aunt Frances and her husband, Harold;
a wallet from other neighbors, "The Ira Kuhns";
and a belt from Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Cleavenger.

After graduation, Johnny left West Virginia, and so did his parents; he stretched his wings and flew to Wofford in Spartanburg, and his Mom, Dad, and Susan headed to Ashland, KY. 

Now you know more of the story behind him, the little Charleston boy loved by his parents, friends, family, and especially by God. Here's to a happy 70th, and many, many more!!!!
John Harrison Burtnett, III

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